Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Air—" Gay and Happy"
The Northern Abolition vandals, Who have come to free the slave, Will meet their doom in " Old Virginny," Where they all will get a grave.
Chorus—So let the Yankees say what they will, We'll love and fight for Dixie still, Love and fight for, love and fight for, We'll love and fight for Dixie still.
When the Hessian horde is driven, O'er Potomac's classic flood, The pulse of a new-born freedom, Then will stir old Maryland's blood.
Then we'll crown our warrior chieftains Who have led us in the fight, And have brought the South in triumph, Through dread danger's troubled night.
And the brave who nobly perished,
Struggling in the bloody fray ;
We'll wear a wreath of fadeless laurel
For their glorious memory.